Corruption and economic development: the perception of colombian society


  • Isaac Emmanuel Palestina Duarte Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



The article argues that there is a relationship between economic growth andthe perception of corruption, the percepción is not the product of emotionsand social prejudices, it is influenced by many factor, includin economic. Thearticle is focused in Colombiann society in the period from 2012 to 2017,first seeks to understand what is meaning the concepts, what methods existto quantify them and analyzes the results obtained when viewing them. Theresearch does not seek gave the final results, but rather contributes to thediscussion on the problema of corruption in Latinoamerica.


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How to Cite

Palestina Duarte, I. E. (2018). Corruption and economic development: the perception of colombian society. CES Derecho, 9(1), 59–72.



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