The message of data and its conception as an executive title in Colombia


  • Johiner Alexander Gil Universidad de Antioquia



The new technologies bring with it a significant change in relation to the historic negotiating dynamics of humanity, as the channels of communication between people are broadened, as well as ways of exchanging goods and services between them.

Closely related to the above, the electronic document is highly relevant, as this is the ideal medium to translate these wills of exchange of goods and services in accordance with the non-physical presence of the negotiating parties, thus constituting a guarantee for the parties in relation With the obligations and rights acquired in one or another commercial movement.

Now, the executive title and the executive process come into context, developing the first executive title concept, with all its characteristics and requirements, and then proceed to deepen the second concept, the executive process as a judicial means to enforce rights or credits in The executive title incorporated.

Finally, a thorough analysis is made of the notion of the data message as an executive title, observing the structural aspects of the title and the executive process in relation to the data message.



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Author Biography

Johiner Alexander Gil, Universidad de Antioquia

Abogado, especialista en derecho procesal de la Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Gil, J. A. (2017). The message of data and its conception as an executive title in Colombia. CES Derecho, 8(1), 48–70.



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