The impact of medical expert’s opinion around the process of liability for providing health services: An study of a case in Center of Law and Health Studies– CENDES


  • Leon Mario Toro Cortés Universidad CES
  • María Adelaida Vásquez Lara Universidad CES


Evidence has been prominent in certain judicial processes, in recent jurisdictional history; the case of medical expert evidence is highlighted within the processes of responsibility for the provision of health services, because an assessment is determined: a) if there were failures or not in medical-hospital care, b) if there are or not damages, and c) if such damages derive from wrong medical practices.At the CES University - located in Medellín – Colombia - there is a service of expert opinions, which are issued from the Center for Studies in Health and Law – CENDES -, the same that was created by the aforementioned Institution of Higher Education to be his delegate. To the various judicial authorities in the national territory, and that, as an auxiliary to justice, it is aimed at satisfying the immense needs of experts, who must have sufficient qualifications, skills and training for the truth required by litigation in matters of medical liability in civil matters and administrative litigation.


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Author Biographies

Leon Mario Toro Cortés, Universidad CES

Abogado, Especialista en responsabilidad civil y seguros y magíster en derecho, Docente e investigador

María Adelaida Vásquez Lara, Universidad CES



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República de Colombia, Congreso de la Republica, Decreto 1400 de 1970. Por medio del cual se expide el Código de Procedimiento Civil. Versión digital disponible en: (diciembre de 2015)

República de Colombia, Congreso de la Republica, Ley 1564 de 2012; Por medio de la cual se expide el Código General del Proceso. Versión digital disponible en: (diciembre de 2015).

República de Colombia, Congreso de la Republica, Ley 23 de 1981; Por la cual se dictan normas en materia de ética médica. Código de ética médica. Diario Oficial No. 35.711, del 27 de febrero de 1981. Versión digital disponible en: (diciembre de 2015).

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How to Cite

Toro Cortés, L. M., & Vásquez Lara, M. A. (2016). The impact of medical expert’s opinion around the process of liability for providing health services: An study of a case in Center of Law and Health Studies– CENDES. CES Derecho, 7(2), 5–12. Retrieved from



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