El accidente de trabajo in misión: legislación jurisprudencia española (Occupational accident: Spanish Case-Law and Jurisprudence)


  • María Teófila Vicente-Herrero
  • José Ignacio Torres-Alberich
  • Luisa Mercedes Capdevila-García
  • Maria Victoria Ramirez-Iñiguez de la Torre
  • Maria Jesus Terradillos-García
  • Carmen Muñoz-Ruiperez
  • Angel Arturo Lopez-González


El concepto de accidente de trabajo en España se engloba dentro del más amplio de daño laboral e incluye cualquier alteración de la salud relacionada, causada o agravada por condiciones laborales.

Un aspecto básico es la relación de causalidad entre lesión corporal y trabajo desarrollado, que puede ser por consecuencia o con ocasión del trabajo. El accidente de trabajo in mision hace referencia al ocurrido al trabajador en el desempeño de una misión encomendada por el empresario en un lugar distinto al de su trabajo habitual, o en el trayecto que tenga que recorrer. Resulta controvertido para eventos traumáticos o súbitos, especialmente cardiovasculares, y más en contagio biológico de un trabajador desplazado a zona endémica.

La Jurisprudencia Española ha ido restringiendo los aspectos relativos a tiempo de trabajo en accidentes in mision y sería recomendable mayor colaboración internacional y criterios más homogéneos en todos los países en materia preventiva.

The concept of occupational accident in Spain is included within the broader one occupational injury and encompasses any damage resulting from working, being connected, caused or aggravated by it.

A basic aspect is the causality relationship between injury and developed work, that means it can be as a consequence or for the occasion of the work. The accident in mission term refers to those accidents occurred to the worker in the performance of a mission entrusted by the employer in a place different from their usual work, or on the way having to go. Its consideration can be controversial in cases of traumatic or sudden events, specially cardiovascular events, and even more in those cases of biological infection of a worker displaced to an endemic area.

The Spanish Jurisprudence has been restricting the aspects related to working time when talking about accidents in mission. A greater international collaboration and the settle of homogeneous criteria should be taken in order to achieve improvements in labour risk prevention.


The concept of occupational accident in Spain is included within the broader one occupational injury and encompasses any damage resulting from working, being connected, caused or aggravated by it.A basic aspect is the causality relationship between injury and developed work, that means it can be as a consequence or for the occasion of the work. The accident in mission term refers to those accidents occurred to the worker in the performance of a mission entrusted by the employer in a place different from their usual work, or on the way having to go. Its consideration can be controversial in cases of traumatic or sudden events, specially cardiovascular events, and even more in those cases of biological infection of a worker displaced to an endemic area.The Spanish Jurisprudence has been restricting the aspects related to working time when talking about accidents in mission. A greater international collaboration and the settle of homogeneous criteria should be taken in order to achieve improvements in labour risk prevention.



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Author Biography

María Teófila Vicente-Herrero

Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina del Trabajo. Técnico Superior en PRL-Ergonomía. Grupo Investigación Medicina del trabajo (GIMT), adscrita al grupo Investigación Medicina del trabajo (GIMT). Profesor asociado Universidad Illes Balears. España



How to Cite

Vicente-Herrero, M. T., Torres-Alberich, J. I., Capdevila-García, L. M., Ramirez-Iñiguez de la Torre, M. V., Terradillos-García, M. J., Muñoz-Ruiperez, C., & Lopez-González, A. A. (2015). El accidente de trabajo in misión: legislación jurisprudencia española (Occupational accident: Spanish Case-Law and Jurisprudence). CES Derecho, 6(1), 18–30. Retrieved from https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/derecho/article/view/3275



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