Gaps for the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia in Medellin, Colombia. Case series


  • Marle Duque Hospital San Vicente Fundación Rionegro
  • Diana Patricia Restrepo Bernal Universidad CES
  • Laura Montoya Universidad CES
  • Eliana Taborda Universidad CES


schizofrenia, mental disorders, delayed diagnosis, stigma


Introduction: schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that determines the biographical break in the lives of patients and families, and that requires in most cases, the search for specialized medical intervention. Objective: to
analyze the gaps for the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia in Medellín, Colombia. Methodology: case series and brief non-systematic review of the scientific literature. Results: five patients older than 50 years are presented, who, despite having more than 20 years with a serious psychotic disorder, had no treatment and some had not been diagnosed. The result of these gaps for diagnosis and treatment were: severe biographical rupture, deterioration in quality of life, loss of social productivity and worsening of other physical illnesses. Discussion: the circumstances that converge to generate and maintain the
gaps for the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia in these patients are diverse. Schizophrenia is a priority disorder due to prevalence, chronicity, disability, premature
death and the economic burden it generates. Priority is required to implement pragmatic measures to overcome the gaps in schizophrenia.


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Author Biographies

Marle Duque, Hospital San Vicente Fundación Rionegro

Médica y cirujana de la Universidad de Antioquia, Psiquiatra de la Universidad de Antioquia, Psiquiatra de Enlace de la Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana. Especialización en Epidemiología. Actualmente trabaja como psiquiatra de en su consultorio particular. 

Diana Patricia Restrepo Bernal, Universidad CES

Médica y cirujana de la Universidad CES, Psiquiatra de la Universidad de Antioquia, Psiquiatra de Enlace de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. 

Laura Montoya, Universidad CES

Médica de la Universidad CES, Psiquiatra de la Universidad CES, Docente de pre y post grado Universidad CES

Eliana Taborda, Universidad CES

Médica Universidad Pontificia Bolivaria, Psiquiatra Universidad CES, Docente de pre y post grado Universidad CES


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How to Cite

Duque, M., Restrepo Bernal, D. P., Montoya, L., & Taborda, E. (2021). Gaps for the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia in Medellin, Colombia. Case series. CES Salud Pública, 9(2), 71–82. Retrieved from



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