Effects of glyphosate intoxication in farming population: topic review


  • Carolina Campuzano Cortina Universidad CES
  • Luisa María Feijoó Fonnegra Universidad CES
  • Karen Manzur Pineda Universidad CES
  • María Palacio Muñoz Universidad CES
  • Julián Rendón Fonnegra Universidad CES
  • Juan Pablo Zapata Díaz Universidad CES


Introduction: Glyphosate is an herbicide that has been used by farmersto eradicate unwanted plants and illicit crops in rural areas. The workersexposed to this compound has shown various clinical results includingmultiple organ toxicity, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, gastrointestinal, cardiovascularand respiratory effects. Objective: To evaluate the toxicity ofglyphosate (Roundup®) in farmers with chronical exposure of it as an herbicide.Materials and methods: It was performed by a systematic review of the literature published during the period 2000 to 2016, about glyphosate poisoning,acute and chronic effects, considerations for treatment, social impact by herbicidespraying. In addition, some data from the Ministry of health and social protection wasused. The databases used included the National Library of Medicine USA (Pubmed /Medline), SciELO, google scholar for searching clinical studies, case reports, reviewarticles, opinion articles and laws. In English, Spanish and Polish languages. Thefollowing MeSH terms were used alone or in combination: “glyphosate intoxication”,“glyphosate poisoning”, “glyphosate herbicide”, “glyphosate human toxicity”. Results:Information was obtained pertaining human health impact caused by glyphosate,finding clinical presentations of intoxication by said substance and which treatmentwould be optimal to treat them. Conclusions: Studies have shown that glyphosate ishighly toxic because of the multiple organ compromise in the human body, involvingthe rural population health with chronical exposure of it.


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How to Cite

Campuzano Cortina, C., Feijoó Fonnegra, L. M., Manzur Pineda, K., Palacio Muñoz, M., Rendón Fonnegra, J., & Zapata Díaz, J. P. (2017). Effects of glyphosate intoxication in farming population: topic review. CES Salud Pública, 8(1), 121–133. Retrieved from https://revistas.ces.edu.co/index.php/ces_salud_publica/article/view/4427



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