Challenges for good medicaments´ dispensing


  • Gerardo Alberto Castaño Riobueno Universidad de los Llanos


Objectives. To recognize under the light of agency theory, the factorsthat explain the relationship of dispensers, with the proper use of drugsin a Pharmacy. Methods. It is a study with a quantitative methodologicalapproach, with a cross-sectional design with analytical intention where itis tried to identify some factors that influence the process of dispensing themedicament. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the pharmacymanagers responsible for dispensing; Based on this information aquestionnaire was generated, which was applied to both dispensers andusers, the questionnaire was parameterized in SPSS Statistics 19. Based on the multivariate technique of the analysis of multiple correspondences, the relationshipamong the responsible managers, dispensers and pharmacy users wasanalyzed. Results. The directly responsible managers for the dispensation weresurveyed, the dispensers were censused, 138 users aged 18 and over were surveyed.25 % of users acknowledge the dispensing concept, 32 % acknowledge thatthey do not receive good attention when purchasing a drug. 23 % of the dispensersdo not have necessary studies to perform the function. The motivators that mostrecognize administrators, dispensers and users are their own workshops, workshopsconducted by pharmaceutical laboratories, while the most recognized controlsare surveillance cameras, entry and exit registration, inventory review. Conclusions.The study reveals that the agency relationship is not positive and it is convenient torethink the interests of the actors in the drug dispensing process in the drugstore,thinking more about public health.


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How to Cite

Castaño Riobueno, G. A. (2017). Challenges for good medicaments´ dispensing. CES Salud Pública, 8(1), 108–120. Retrieved from



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